Gold Cube


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Some Juicing Tips

I have been doing a lot of juicing lately.  I was juicing carrots and apples which juice very well and keep pretty well so you don't have to drink it all right away.  I was using a centrifugal juicer.  I also juiced apricots, oranges, lemons, cantaloupe and a few others I can't remember.  Apricots didn't do very well. 

Then I dug out a k-Tech blender that I have which is the same as a blend-tech I believe.  It is similar to a Vita Mix and is more of a blender than a juicer.  It does a good job and you don't have to worry about what to do with the pulp.  You just drink it in what turns out to be a thick smoothie.  I juiced anything I could get.  Kiwis, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, avocado, lemons, beets, eggplant, mango, yucca root, yam and potato were some of the things that ended up in these fruit and vegetable smoothies.  I even made milk shakes with banana, eggs, vitamin C, multivitamin, folic acid, powdered chocolate, sprouts and whatever I could think of or I had on hand. 

Well I just ran across a book about the Gerson Therapy and it had a few hints that helped me understand what I was doing a little better.  For instance I wondered about combined fruits and vegetables as it could cause gas or other chemical reactions.  They say that almost all of plant produce is compatible.  If you are ill they recommend drinking 8 ounces of  juice every hour.  That comes out to 13 glasses of juice a day.  They recommend drinking the juice immediately after juicing.  Do not store for future use.  If you have to take some with you for later use in the day they recommend a apple/carrot juice or just carrot.  Other juices especially salad greens oxidize quickly.  That's something I found very helpful.  Drink immediately.

They also recommend that you drink as much as you can if you can't meet the 13 glasses a day.  The Gerson people also believe that the juices have live enzymes which help you physically, mentally and spiritually.  It's like a vital force that helps your body.  I hope this information helps others as it has helped me.  I look forward to having cactus fruit in season as I am anxious to try it for adding to my blended juice smoothies.  I usually start off with one cup of a commercial juice in my smoothies to make them more liquid than solid.

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