Gold Cube


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mitt Romney has a sense of humor!

Did Romney's comments "enlist" him in the birther movement like the Obama campaign is now saying?!/story.php?story_fbid=518853458130643&id=140738092630206&__user=1512619645

I ran across this story last night on Facebook and had some of the best laughter I've ever had.  Here are some of the quotes that really had me laughing: 

Rachelle Hatt Hills HA!! and who says Romney has no sense of humor? ;)

Kenneth Burdick I absolutely love it, he will be critisized no matter what he does, let him step up with that spunk and wit-Judie

Sandi Martineau I thought this was the funniest and BEST thing I've ever heard a Politician say! Hallelujah and Amen!

Brian Thorp I loved the comments! I about fell over when I heard them.

Justin Richardson Are you saying you actually believe owebama was born here?! Everybody knows that's bs

Lavon Doris Shockley-Olivier We know that Romney is a Natural Born Citizen.

Kerrie Fambro Ah haha! So Romney Does have a sense of humor after all!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Emeralds in the Uinta Mountains.

Apparently there have three emeralds found in the Uinta Mountains.  These emeralds were all found at the same location.  They were found where the south flank fault crosses the Blindstream Road on the way to Arta Lake.  The GPS coordinates are given on page 184 of Following the Legends by Dale Bascom.  The details of the find are on pages 183-186 of the same book.

I had heard about these emeralds for some time.  I was told on a phone call that they were found as the result of a tunnel that had been bored through a mountain.  That's not the case here so there may be other emeralds out there.  I ran across the south flank story on the Ancient Lost Treasure forum while doing some research.  I went through a few steps on a quest to find more about them.  Following are the steps: 

1.  Read that they were found at the head of the south fork of Rock Creek and that they were mentioned in Dale's book.  
2.  Read that they were found where the fault crosses the road and some water also seeps out at this location.
3.  I read the account in Dale's book and that conclusion was that the emeralds were associated with the fault.  I didn't want to believe it.
4.  I confirmed that they likely are not there because of the fault through other research of my own.

When Dale wrote his book this location had a mining claim on it.  Currently it does not have a mining claim on it.  That's OK with me because I have no intention of putting a mining claim at this location.  I will say that I am continuing my research and will likely do a field trip in the near future. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama cannot honestly deny he had not had a war on coal.

This is one reason I like Romney so much. I love it when he talks like this. Not only because my father was a coal miner and I come from coal country but because climate change is not caused by CO2 or man and is a HOAX. Environmentalists use this hoax to milk the government of grants to study something that they know is a hoax. These grants amount to 4 billion dollars a year. They also file frivolous lawsuits at taxpayers expense to fleece America. Coal is still very much a part of the energy equation. Perhaps the government should back off somewhat and not control energy so much.  Let free enterprise run its course.