Gold Cube


Thursday, April 24, 2014

26 compelling reasons why You'll Want Pulse as part of your daily diet

26 compelling reasons why You'll
Want Pulse as part of your daily diet
What follows are short clips gathered from research conducted on the 26 synergistic whole food ingredients believed to be found in Pulse. In synergy, the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Pulse is a delicious and healthy way to snack on whole foods. (1) DATES                                       Phoenix dactylifera
Dates have been found to reverse the progression of prostate cancer.  Cancer 1989 Aug. 1, 64 (3): 598-604
(2) OATS                                            Avena sativa L.
Two studies presented at the American Heart Association's 71st Scientific Sessions confirmed the healthful benefit of oats. They found that frequent consumption of oats and nuts were linked with a low risk of coronary heart disease. A 12-year study examining more than 22,000 male doctors showed that with daily consumption, the risk of total cardiac death and sudden death fell. Food Ingredient News 1998 Dec; Vol. 6, No. 12
(3) RAISINS                                       Vitis vinifera
Like grapes, raisins have a protective effect on the heart. They have also been known to "play a role in sustaining normal blood sugar levels."  Total Health, Dec 1995 Vol. 17, No. 6, p. 38
"A once obscure fruit acid, commonly found only in grapes and raisins, is now being looked at closely as a new source of health benefits for the colon." This acid slows down the development of colon cancer.  Total Health, April 1996 Vol. 18, No. 4, pg. 47
(4) SESAME SEEDS        Sesamum indicum
Reduce susceptibility to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been named one of the major contributors to increased cancer risk. Sesame seeds are also very rich in thiamin.  Plant Foods and Human Nutrition. 1984 May, Vol. 22, No 5: pp. 337-44
(5) SUNFLOWER SEEDS   Helianthus annuus
Improve the health and shine of the hair.  Reduce the chance of dry scalp, lackluster strands and split ends. (see also, almonds)  Vegetarian Times, April 1999, p. 96
Sunflower Seeds are related to mood stability.  Agricultural Research, Oct. 1995, Vol. 43, No. 10, .19-21
(6) AMARANTH             Amaranthus spp.
Aids functions of the liver.  Food-Chem-Toxical, May 1984, Vol. 22(5): pp. 337-44
Associated with lower cholesterol.  Nahrung, April 1999; Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 341-349
(7) BUCKWHEAT   Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
Consumption is associated with lower serum cholesterol and blood pressure values. Nutrition Research Newsletter, May 1995, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 60-61
(8) QUINOA          Chenopodium quinoa Willd.
"Quinoa is one of the world's most perfect foods. Grown and consumed for thousands of years on the high plains of the Andes Mountains in South America, the Incas dubbed quinoa the 'mother grain' because of the plant's ever-bearing quality. They also believed the kernels to be sacred, since a steady diet of it appeared to ensure a long, healthy life." Very high in protein, calcium, B vitamins and Iron. Very easy to digest.  Vegetarian Times, June 1999, p. 32
(9) MILLET               Panicum miliaceum L.
High in Lysine, an essential amino acid, which the body doesn't produce.  High in protein, phosphorus, B vitamins and iron. Easy to digest. Vegetarian Times, Feb. 1997, No. 234 p.94
Useful for treating several diseases such as colitis, ulcerosa, allergies, coeliac disease, and high blood cholesterol.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Nov. 1997, Vol. 48, No 6, p. 381
(11) BARLEY              Hordeum vulgare L.
Dietary fiber found in barley has been found to yield significant health benefits specifically in helping to regulate cholesterol levels and hypoglycemia. Studies were done on the long-term effects of incorporating barley in the diets of non-insulin dependent diabetic men. Barley products in the diet eased the diabetic problems and allowed some subjects to reduce their dose of oral hypoglycemics.  International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Jan. 1998, Vol. 49, No. 11 . 71-78
(12) BROWN RICE         Oryza sativa L.
Consumption has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. A 10-year study was performed by Harvard Medical School with over 75,000 women. Researchers found that women who eat about 2.5 servings of whole-grain foods (like brown rice) daily may reduce their risk of heart disease by more than 30% compared to those who eat virtually no whole-grain foods. The Food Institute Report, Sept. 6, 1999
The same study was done on men. Harvard Medical School found that men that ate whole-grain foods with high fiber, had a 36% reduction in heart attack. Consumer Reports on Health, Aug. 1999,  Vol. II,  No. 8,  pp. 1-5
(13) FLAX SEED          Linum usitatissimum
Flax seed contains many nutritional components. They include fiber and ligands, which inhibit cancer, such as breast cancer. They also contain alpha-linolenic acid, which helps ward off heart attacks. Flax seed helps inhibit autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, severe menstrual cramps, and perhaps even depression.  Prevention, April 1997, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 81-85
Flax seed oil contains omega-4 fatty acid found in some meats. Important news for vegetarians.  Vegetarian Times, July 1997, No. 239, pp. 92-95
Vitamin A or retinoic acid, found in carrots may block cancer in the body University of Texas in Houston reported finding strong evidence that vitamin A can fight cancer by making tumor cells self destruct..."  Cancer Weekly Plus, April 27,1998
Carrots can also boost immune system functions, help solve skin disorders, and help treat cancer.  Newsletter-People's Medical Society, Oct. 1998, Vol. 17, Issue 4, p. 7
(15) WALNUTS and WALNUT OIL     Junglans regia
Beneficial effects in health and in the control of chronic disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Sept. 1999, Vol. 70, Iss. 3, p. 560
Walnut and walnut oil contains essential unsaturated fats that are good for the brain. A scientific study performed by John T. Bernert Jr. Ph.D. and Waren S. Browner, M.D., studied 192 men with incident stroke. The phospholipid fatty acid levels were measured as a percentage of total fatty acids to weigh their association with incident stroke. The results suggested that higher serum levels of linolenic acid found in walnuts and walnut oil significantly reduced the risk of stroke in middle-aged men who were originally at high-risk for cardiovascular disease. Stroke, 1995, Vol. 26: pp. 778-782
Key Vitamins in Walnuts include thiamin, vitamin B6, and folic acid.
(16) CASHEWS         Anacardium occidentale
Cashews contain a high level of selenium (as do sunflowers). Studies have proved that "selenium can lift the spirits." Those who consume cashews and other foods rich in selenium reported feeling significantly more clearheaded and in a better mood than they did before consumption. Agricultural Research, Oct. 1995, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 19
Selenium has also been related to cancer prevention. Cashews are also rich in zinc a mineral often researched as a cure for the common cold. Consumers Reports on Health, Nov. 1997, Vol. 9, No. 11, .121-124
(17) ALMONDS              Prunus dulcis
Almonds improve the health and the shine of the hair. They reduce the chance of dry scalp, lackluster strands, and split ends. (See also, sunflower seeds) Vegetarian Times, April 1999, p. 96 (1)
"Phytochemicals in Almonds inhibited tumor cell growth in culture, and two phytochemicals, the flavonoids, quercetin and kaempferol, were found to suppress lung and prostate tumor cell growth.  Food Ingredient News, May 1998, Vol. 6 No. 5
Almonds can help lower total cholesterol.  Natural Health, Jan 1999, Vol. 29, Iss. 1, p. 142
(18) PECANS               Carya Illinoensis
Like almonds and filberts, pecans are effective in fighting heart disease and have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels. Science News, Nov. 21, 1998, Vol. 154 Iss. 21, pp. 328-331
(19) FILBERTS or HAZELNUTS           Corylus spp.
Like almonds and pecans, filberts are effective in fighting Heart disease and have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels. Science News, Nov. 21, 1998, Vol. 154, Iss. 21, pp. 328-331
(20) FIGS
Figs contain 3.2 times more calcium than other fruits - enough, they say, to promote strong, healthy bones.  U.S. News & World Report, April 27, 1998, Vol. 124, No. 16, p. 10
Beet sugars help cultivate friendly bacteria in the intestines and fight cholesterol. Food Ingredient News, Dec. 1998, Vol. 6, No. 12
(22) ACEROLA CHERRY   Malpighia punicifolia
Acerola cherries, also know as Barbados cherries, grow in tropical climates and are a rich source of vitamin C. They contain a higher level of vitamin C per serving than an other fruit.
Helps in avoiding digestive problems. Carob is an astringent herb especially helpful in treating diarrhea in children. Carob is one of the very richest non-meat calcium sources. It is said to be the food that sustained John the Baptist in the desert for 40 days.
According to researchers at Michigan State University, adding cherries to hamburger meat retards spoilage and reduce the formation of suspected cancer causing compounds known as HAAs (heterocyclic aromatic amines).  Cancer Weekly Plus, Dec. 28, 1998
Raspberries are being studied for their help in the prevention of cancer. According to Dr. Daniel Nixon, head of the raspberry research at the Hollings Cancer Center "our initial study shows some tantalizing results."  Cancer Weekly Plus, Jan. 18, 1999
Studies conclude that a diet rich in blueberry extract reversed some loss of balance and coordination, and improved short-term memory (experiment done on rats). Blueberries are being studied more closely by researchers for their documented anti-aging potential (experiment on humans).  Food Ingredient News, Sept. 1999, Vol. 7, No. 9
Blueberries and cranberries have been proven to help in protecting the urinary tract against infections.  Food Ingredient News, Nov. 1998, Vol. 6, No. 11

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