Gold Cube


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Novak Djokovic’s Diet includes Manuka Honey from New Zealand.

Want to roll like the world's top men's tennis player? Start by drinking loads of warm water all day long, as well as shakes made with pea protein concentrate. Avoid dairy and stay away from alcohol during tournaments. Eat lots of avocados, cashew butter and very little sugar. Banish caffeine, other than the occasional energy gel bar before matches. Be sure to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night, meditate, do plenty of yoga and tai chi, take melatonin supplements, hook yourself up to a biofeedback machine that measures your stress level and, when you have a free moment or two, keep a diary. Feel free to unwind with a cup of warm licorice tea.

Okay, so no coffee, no beer, no dairy and eat a lot of manuka honey from New Zealand? Even A.J. Jacobs thinks this diet is strange.

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