Gold Cube


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Green Shipping Container Home.

Better than a house made out of railroad ties or a mansion.  Just what is needed for a remote location like Woodside, Utah.  Problem is it's not big enough.  It's only about 160 square feet. 

The watermill is just one of the features.  The problem with the watermill is that you need 30-35% humidity.  Humility at Woodside was about 10% today.  It was 40% in Roosevelt.

The Water Mill

What is the WaterMill?

Technically speaking, the WaterMill is an atmospheric water collection device that condenses water vapor and purifies it. In English: It's a home appliance that makes drinking water for your whole family - using only air.

Here's how it works:

The system draws in moist, outside air through an air filter. The moist air passes over a cooling element, condensing the moist air into water droplets. This water is then collected, passed through a specialized carbon filter and is then exposed to an ultraviolet sterilizer, eliminating bacteria.
The result?
You have taken control of your family's drinking water needs.
Once drinking water is created, it goes to the point of use devices in your home: your refrigerator, spigot, water cooler or backsplash dispenser. The WaterMill is designed for home use, producing enough water for a family to drink and cook with every day.

Why Watermill?
Outdoor air is up to 70 times more polluted than inside air. The WaterMill is installed unobtrusively on the outside of your home, using outside air, so it won't dry out the air you breathe in your home. And don't worry if your outdoor air is less than pristine - even if you live in a crowded city, the Watermill's filtration system ensures your drinking water will be clean and free of toxins and bacteria - more pure than tap water or even spring water.

Where and how you access your water is up to you. The WaterMill can be connected directly to your sink, an existing bottled water system, your refrigerator, or a custom dispenser.

Energy Efficiency
The WaterMill is designed to minimize energy use. It's so efficient that producing one liter of water costs only three to four cents. Alternative bottled water systems typically cost ten cents per liter or more.

Smart Technology
The WaterMill is smart about more than just energy. Our innovative control system enables the WaterMill to adapt to changing conditions in every climate. It automatically adjusts airflow to maximize water production, while minimizing power consumption. Water production is constantly monitored and controlled. The WaterMill displays temperature, humidity and water production, and it will tell you when it is time for service.

Power Source Compliance
The WaterMill system has been engineered to be as efficient as possible, compliant with any power source. Look for the Watermill systems that run on a solar panel or wind generator in the near future.

Patented Technology
All innovations found in the WaterMill technology have been patented.

Our Promise of Quality
The WaterMill is a high-quality product, but even high-quality products need to be properly maintained for a long life. The WaterMill comes backed by a 1 year full parts and labor warranty

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